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R941926001 picture
Best Price NOW
Manufacturer / Brand: ORIGINAL
Details: Other Interconnects New connector in stock
HTS Code: 8536.69.40.40
Quantity Available: Over 88500 Pieces
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Datasheet for R941926001:

R941926001 datasheet
Price for R941926001
Detailed Description of R941926001
Product Parameters
  • Manufacturer Part Number : R941926001
  • Manufacturer : ORIGINAL
  • Description : Other Interconnects New connector in stock
  • RoHS Status : Yes
  • Delivery Time : 1-2 days.
  • Lead Time : 4-6 weeks.
  • Length : -
  • Size : -
  • Color : -
  • Material : -
  • Feature : -
  • Packing : Box
  • Standard Packing Quantity : -
  • Country of Origin : -
  • Weight : -

Contact us to check the best price and real time inventory quantity for R941926001. If you need any more information about R941926001, you can also send us by email. Our email is, we will reply you in 12 hours.

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ATTN: You also can contact us by email if urgent: (We will reply quickly)
Related Connectors
R941926001 CAD Models Information
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for R941926001
  • Q:Where can I buy R941926001?

    A:We have the R941926001 connectors available for selling now, you can contact us by email for the price and delivery time.

  • Q:When can I receive a reply after sending email?

    A:We will reply you within 12 hours.

  • Q:How do I place an order and pay it?

    A:You can place an order by email, and you can pay by Bank Transfer or Paypal.

  • Q:How long I can receive the shipment after order?

    A:We will ship within 1 day after order, and you will receive it in around 2-3 days.

  • Q:How do I use R941926001 for my products?

    A:Please refer to the application note or contact us.

  • Q:How can I download a datasheet for R941926001?

    A:You can download the datasheet on our product page, or you can send us by email to request a datasheet.

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